Renew Your Mind
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Renew Your Mind

When you were saved, the Holy Spirit took up residence in you and it is that power that lives inside of all believers that can reshape your thinking and allow you to see things the way God sees them.

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Complete Joy
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Complete Joy

The spiritual meaning of joy while it does encompass such feelings, its meaning turns the focus inward into a deep-rooted happiness, a happiness that is not derived on circumstances but in Christ alone and His promises to us.

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Out of Love
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Out of Love

Christians are held to high standards and we’re often criticized when we don’t meet another’s expectation of what we should do or be. Just because someone is a Christian doesn’t mean perfection. Just like anyone who seeks to live a life for Christ, it is a process, a constant maturing and acts of selflessness as you submit to God for the needs of others.  

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Because We Are Blessed
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Because We Are Blessed

Today there is no lack in doing good deeds. Many are suffering as a result of our current environment, but God continues to bless many of us. So find something to do and do it, don’t laud your efforts as if you’re special, but do it as if you’re blessed to be a blessing. 

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