Time to Learn
Life is short but fulfilling if you live it with purpose and what greater purpose can there be than living for the Lord!

Greatest Gift
And the best thing about it is that while we are seeking the best gift, He has and is giving the greatest gift.

Discerning Wisdom
Wisdom and knowledge should be pursued and when given the right support, students can achieve things that were once thought impossible.

Rooted in Faith
It is when you know Him (He is truth) that is when you will know what it means to be free.

Always Pray
It is a practice that opens the ears of God but opens our hearts as we gain understanding of why He is worthy of praise and thanks.
Seek HIS Wisdom
Deborah did not act of her own accord her instructions to Barak were given by God.
Hearing From God
In Him we hear the message of life through His Son and that life brings wisdom, knowledge and understanding.