Hearing From God


“Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God (John 8:47).”

If you have ever been told you look like your mother or you act like your father then you have a basic understanding that a parent’s influence plays a key role in who you are and or who you become. There are particular traits you may pick up from one or the other. As you age you may see it more clearly as you walk by the mirror and upon glancing find yourself doing a double take because you possess a physical characteristic or behavior that for a moment you think you’re looking at your parent.

Taking on the physical and behavioral characteristics of a parent can be inherently good or inherently bad. It all depends on the things you choose but when it comes to the Heavenly Father it is your conduct that conveys that you are His child and Jesus exclaims it is easily identified because they are the ones “who hears what God says” that is the one who is His child.

Just as loving parents instruct their children in what is right and what is wrong so much greater is the benefit of hearing from God. In Him we hear the message of life through His Son and that life brings wisdom, knowledge and understanding.


God’s Thoughts for You


Promises are God’s Visions