Insight and Wisdom

“How much better to get wisdom than gold , to get insight rather than silver! Proverbs 16:16

Money, money, money, why so much focus on money? Does it really make you happy, does it increase relationships, can it cure ills, does it buy you love? There is nothing wrong with having wealth but heed the dangers of loving money. Knowledge and understanding are of greater value than worldly wealth. Don't get me wrong, it's okay to have money but make sure that the money doesn't have you. Our confidence, our hope, our needs are met by the Lord. #wisdom #knowledge #godlywealth #hope #faith #FaithInGod #godknowswhatyouneed #heavenlywealth #GodMeetsOurNeeds #god #Godisfaithful #seethesonrise


Focus Your Mind on Christ


God Knows You