God Knows You

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Have you ever been afraid to go before the Lord? Maybe there is some hidden sin, or you feel unworthy. Maybe you don’t think He’ll hear you, or maybe you think it's pointless. Well, rid yourself of all of these concerns because, God doesn’t see us as man sees us. Remember, He knows your heart and what you may not be able to express in words, He hears in your groans. God knows you and He understands you, therefore, seek Him, talk to Him, express your concerns to Him and trust Him that He will give you the mercy and grace you need. God answers prayer!! #SeekGod #BoldlyGo #Godistheanswer


Insight and Wisdom


God is Your Refuge