Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly


It is the third week of Advent and we focus on joy. When someone has been good to you, provided for your needs and looked out for your welfare, the appropriate response would be to be thankful and to want to please them.

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Peace of Mind
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Peace of Mind

“Perfect peace” is trusting in God more than trusting in yourself, exhibiting patience and confidence in Him believing that the outcome is for your good in every situation and circumstance.

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The Hope of Advent
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

The Hope of Advent

Sunday marked the beginning of Advent, a season of preparation. It is a time when Christians spend several weeks in penance, prayer and fasting as we prepare for the coming of Christ.

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