Tuned In to HIS Word

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires (James 1:19-20).”

God calls us to live morally right, for people who seek to do and follow God's will. It isn’t easy and certainly needs the abiding presence of God.

Unless our eyes are focused on Christ and our ears attuned to His word, we are living for ourselves and not for Him. It is the problem the Israelites suffered (read Judges 21) and one we too will suffer if we take our eyes off of Jesus and refuse to hear His word. We can draw and have our own opinions about things but be cautious that you do not fall away from the instruction found in His word. Hear what’s being said, understand all perspectives, and take a timeout to give yourself time to think before you speak.

All may seem right in our own eyes however it is our perception that leads to wrath instead of God's will.


Replace Unwholesome Talk with God’s Word


The Comforter