Traveling Companion

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“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Life is like the road less traveled. In fact, there are some roads far be from me that have never been considered before, but the signs are clear it is a road you must take.  

If you truly trust God you will find that there will be times where despite your reluctance, there is a strong compulsion to go. God’s work is done through people like you and me. When we said yes to God we said yes to His purpose and walk in agreement with His plan and yes, His will. There will be times when what you’ve been asked to do simply doesn’t make sense but you’re not following Him blindly, you’re following Him by faith. And it is faith in His promise and plan that you can trust in where you are going and be assured it is where you are supposed to be.

Never negate God’s direction and know that He’s not sending you alone. God is sending you but He is also with you. He is with you no matter where go and so stand fast, follow His direction knowing you’re going to make it to your destination.


Consolation of the Soul


Comfort in His Word