The Source of Anxiety

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“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:1-5

Consider this: our fears are evolutionary and rooted in our experiences. Our brains have developed a perceptive ability to determine if things are threatening. For instance, someone who has worked with wildlife is usually not afraid of the animals they care for. Siegfried and Roy, a duo of German American magicians and entertainers, did not fear the white lions and tigers that were a part of their act. The same was true for Steve Irwin, the Australian naturalist who gained fame as TV’s “Crocodile Hunter.” People like you and me are often awestruck at these people’s fearlessness of wildlife, as we have been conditioned to be afraid of these animals.

Under today’s circumstances, Eve probably wouldn’t consider talking to a snake, knowing that snakes are venomous and will strike to avoid harm. However, she was not afraid of it, and instead focusing on the word of God, she focused on the words of the serpent.

Adam and Eve did not fear God when He placed them in the Garden of Eden. It was not until they disobeyed God, choosing not to follow His intended purpose, that their peaceful existence was given over to fear. (Genesis 3:8-10)

Just as in Adam and Eve’s case, sometimes our own actions or lack of action can be the source of anxiety.

Please enjoy today’s devotion, an excerpt from my new book, Caught in the Undertow: God’s Rescue for Anxiety Panic and Depression. To order your copy, please visit my website:


Face Your Fear


No Need to Run!