No Need to Run!

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“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life.  When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there.” (1 Kings 19:3)

After an amazingly successful feat, Elijah was overcome with such extreme fear that he panicked and ran he even prayed that he would die.  That is what a panic attack feels like. It hits so severely that in your mind, death is a welcome respite so that you don’t have to suffer through the emotional and psychological pain of the unknown. Yes, his life had been threatened but somehow, he forgot who was with him, who got him through tough times and who gave him success.

God didn’t say that we wouldn’t have problems or struggles. In fact He says just the opposite. He said that in this life we would have trouble, we would have tribulation, but He has overcome the world.

To get through the emotional upheaval and pain experienced due to fear, remember who you are in Christ and what He has already done for you. You don’t have to run when you know who is with you.

Want to hear more? Join me this Saturday, November 7, 2020 from 10:30am – 11:30am for “Caught in the Undertow – God’s Rescue for Panic.” This is a free webinar.  Just click on or go to the following link to register:


The Source of Anxiety


No need to panic