No need to panic

No need to panic.png

From the moment Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered the world and with it panic, that sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety. If you read carefully you will hear the moment that caused them to panic. Their disobedience brought such great fear that when they heard God in the garden, they covered themselves. When God asked them, “Where are you?” Adam responded, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”

They panicked, they had disobeyed God and that is what happens when we disobey God; we try to cover it up, but He already knows what we’ve done. Disobedience leads to fear and anxious thoughts. We feel 

separated and abandoned but God because of His love put a reconciler in place to bring us back to Him, to the place that He always desired and that propitiation (favor) was in the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ.

Panic and fear were never a part of God’s plan. It was humankind’s inability to trust and obey God that allowed our anxious thoughts and dis-ease. However, there is a place you can go where God resides to rescue you from sudden and overpowering fright.  

Want to know how? Join me this Saturday, November 7, 2020 from 10:30am – 11:30am for “Caught in the Undertow – God’s Rescue for Panic.” This is a free webinar.  Just click on or go to the following link to register:


No Need to Run!


Fear Not