Face Your Fear

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Have you had a chance to check out my new book? Caught in the Undertow: God’s Rescue for Anxiety, Panic and Depression. Today, I’m sharing an excerpt from the book. To order your copy visit https://www.mamiejohnsonministries.org.

One of the ways to handle your anxiety is to face your fear. I'm sure that throughout life you have encountered events, people or things like sickness, death, assault, men, women, heights,

animals, the unknown, or the future that have evoked fear. God's word clearly expresses that we will be afraid and ignoring fear doesn't dismiss its effect. "Don't fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine." (lsaiah43:1)

God commands us not to fear, not to worry, but we live in a land where Satan's primary objective is to cause fear and to diffuse any hope that we have in Christ. There are many methods that can be used to combat it, but it requires confidence in the One whom you put your trust.

We don't select our families, God does, and He knows what we will experience. He also realizes that there is an effort to destroy you from the moment of your birth. We must understand that God can and desires to free us from the oppression of sin and in the case of Queen Esther, the fear of death.

What relationships cause you distress?

What are your anxiety triggers?

How can addressing your stress change how you feel?


What I Needed


The Source of Anxiety