Stop Looking Back

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18

Forgetting takes a lot more than mental energy. Our past can leave us inadequate and incapable of moving forward. Yet, when you have an advocate who doesn’t hold your past against you, it allows you to believe that you can be different, do something different and Jesus is that advocate. You cannot do anything so wrong that Jesus won’t welcome you back into His arms and no one is bigger than He. You can be what God has called you to be. So, whatever has held you back it’s time to let go and look ahead to what God has prepared for you! #dontquit#keepmovingon #TrustJesus #keepmoving#stoplookingback #Jesusgoesbeforeus#seeChrist #seethesonrise


Relentless Faith


Seeking the New Born King