Relentless Faith

“Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.” John 5:8-9

How many times have you been told what you can’t do? Words have power and while it wasn’t what this man couldn’t do but Who was going to help him to do it. He had been lame all of his life and the possibility that he could experience anything different was going to take effort. No, he couldn’t walk, but he knew what or where he needed to go to get his healing. This man refused to quit believing that he could walk and because of his relentless faith, he did! There is nothing you can’t achieve if you trust in the Lord and refuse to give up. All things are possible to those who believe! #youcandoit #TrustingGod#dontquit #RelentlessFaith #FaithInGod#TrustJesus #youcandoit #seethesonrise


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