Moving Forward in Faith

“The LORD our God said to us at Horeb, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain.” Deuteronomy 1:6

Repetitive activity is good when it comes to exercise or eating right but when it comes to obsessive things like compulsively washing your hands, or biting your nails, or incessantly picking at sores, they can become destructive. The children of Israel had spent a year at Mt. Sinai and God told them it was time to move on. They weren’t brought out of captivity to live at Sinai, but to a better place and the time had come to possess the promise.

God has spoken to many of you saying, you’ve been in this place of complacency long enough. It’s time to move forward to receive what He has for you and it can only be achieved by faith! If you can believe what God has said, you can receive what He has for you! #keepmovingforward #keepmoving#GodPromises #faithfulness #itstime #Godiswithus #Godisfaithful #SeeTheFuture#moveforward #SeeYourFuture


Begin With Encouragement


Relentless Faith