
“He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world (1John 2:2).” Today we remember and celebrate members of the armed forces who sacrificed their lives to secure our country and that allow us the freedoms available to us today. It is no small sacrifice as there have been many who enlisted that did not know whether they would return home to their friends and loved ones. For them it was a total surrender of personal freedoms for the sake of another.Willingly offering your life for someone else demonstrates understanding the true meaning of love and care. They are the heroes and there are heroes all around us and not just on the battlefield. People who forsake their needs to ensure others experience health and happiness and prosperity are heroes. It is a heavy load for anyone to have to bear but those who understand the true meaning of sacrifice do so without hesitation.During this health crisis (COVD19) we have seen individuals who have left families behind to go to help those affected by this merciless disease and who succumbed to it and died. They too are heroes and that doesn’t devalue or take anything away from our military personnel and the significant contribution they have made and continue to make.Jesus Christ was a willing sacrifice, the greatest example of giving up everything including His life so that others (we) could enjoy a future of eternal life. What He did reconciles us with the Father offering us mercy and grace. It is what He did for us, what are we willing to do for Him?


Buried Treasure


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