Risk Free

February 4, 2019Retailers put forth a lot of effort in selling their products; free, last chance, don’t miss out, limited time offer, time is running out, clearance, final, everything must go. The idea is to promote spending while preying on consumer weaknesses to boost sales. Sometimes subtle and often overt, companies know just what button to push to get you to purchase their wares. Finding a good deal is great but there is something of greater value and it is free.God put forth a lot of effort to ensure we had everything we need to have life but not just life but abundant life, eternal life. It is salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. The price has already been paid. It was on the cross that the ultimate price was paid and it was guaranteed for all who receive Him by faith. Our salvation cost Him something but to us it is free. In fact, could you really afford the asking price?

Having Christ is risk free and the yield immeasurable, grace, peace, assurance, deliverance, the Holy Spirit, mercy and so much more. There’s no better deal than this.

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13©2018-2019 Mamie Johnson Ministries


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