Passion to Endure


Runners often awe me.  Although I attempted doing so on several occasions, it was never something I found to be fun, engaging, or with a compelling reason to stick with it.  It wasn’t because of lack of motivation or ability but there simply wasn’t enough encouragement to push past my negative thoughts around it.  Actually, I found no compelling reason or purpose to continue to do it. Looking back, while I lost the compulsion to move past my opinion of running I decided to look at the things I was able to achieve unrelated to running to see that, some things are worth working for but it must have purpose and meaning and not least of all encouragement to endure.

God is a great encourager.  He is able to see what we can’t see and is able to push us pass our insecurities and lack of motivation so that we can achieve the seemingly impossible.  Just ask Moses who made excuse after excuse in being called to lead the children out of the land of Egypt, or Joseph whose dream placed him in captivity, or Job who through no fault of his own suffered loss, sickness, and pain, or Gideon who used excuse after excuse that as the smallest tribe of Israel how could it be that he was called to, “save Israel out of Midian’s hand”, or Peter the fisherman who was called to be a fisher of men.  Each of them had an excuse or reason to lose motivation or to trust God, but what they each came to realize was God established their motivation and He would be the encouragement they needed to reach the desired end.

When God has given you purpose, He also provides the encouragement to push through every hindrance and obstacle that seeks to slow you down or trip you up.  So run the race that is set before you with passion and purpose knowing that there is a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on.


Dress for Success


Passion & Purpose