Passion & Purpose

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“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”  (1 Peter 1:13)

You ever wonder why some individuals are able to set a goal, put steps in place, and with the strictest of discipline, see it to completion? Is it because of genetic makeup, or maybe it’s gender driven, or maybe it’s because they were intentional, driven by purpose. Having purpose is a great motivator for getting things done but purpose alone may be only one ingredient in achieving a goal. You also need passionPassion connotes (suggests) that you believe in something so much that you anticipate you will possess whatever it is you set your mind to do.

Being a Christian alone is not enough in walking out your faith. As a Christian the goal is to live a life that is God honoring but just saying it is not a guarantee of success. There has to be a driving force, something that means so much to you that God forbid you don’t achieve it. When it comes to walking out your faith it means that you prepare in such a way that anything less than success is unacceptable.  Living/walking out your faith means rolling up your sleeves and preparing to get out there to fight the good fight of faith despite the circumstance and it starts with how you think.

Having a passion for Christ and trusting in His unfailing love can move you through the greatest of difficulties and negative circumstance. May the power of God given by the grace of God be the driving force to possessing whatever God has for you and has called you to.    


Passion to Endure


Vision & Passion