Opened Eyes
Childbirth is a unique event as we witness a new life being brought forth. The experience is both internal and external as internally we are fascinated that women are able to endure the stress of childbirth and externally as they trust others with a safe delivery and care. After the child is born they are checked for five things called “Apgar (appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration)”. There are other developments observed as well; “Sensory Development (taste, smell, touch, hearing, and vision).In physical birth and spiritual birth you will find there are some similarities especially when it comes to vision and hearing. Unlike the other sensory areas, when the child is in the womb it is dark and there isn’t much opportunity to see outside of that darkness. Additionally although hearing is more developed than vision at birth it too develops (gets keener) over time. When Christians are awakened to the presence of God they are able to see beyond what is physically present, their spiritual adeptness gets keener (skilled). Spiritual vision is going past the perception of something exercising spiritual discernment (perception in the absence of judgment to gain guidance and understanding).The world hides the truth of God and abides in darkness rendering one spiritually blind. It isn’t until the light of God comes in that godly vision expands (“Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” John 3:3)”; spiritual hearing is heightened and you are willing to accept God’s words; “Whoever has ears, let them hear Matthew 11:15).” Both are developed over time.The ability to see and hear cannot be understated, “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”Matthew 13:16-17“Father, open our eyes, that wemay see, to follow thee. Oh lordgrant us, thy lovin' peace, and letall dissension cease. Let our fait,each day increase,and Master - Lord please-Open our eyes, open our eyes-He has given us, hills and mountains, hehas given us, level places.He has given us food and clothing,given us shelter from the storm and the rain-And all that he provided,kept us shelter from the storm and the rain-Grant us thy lovin' peace,and let all dissension cease,let our faith each day increase,and Master - Lord pleaseOpen our eyes, open our eyes”Songwriters: Leon Lumpkins