Make Us Over

“But the pot He was shaping from the clay was marred in His hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to Him (Jeremiah 18:4).”Our experiences influence what shapes us; how we think, how we act, how we respond, our attitudes, our expectations, and our aspirations. In some way we’re all formed by situations good and bad that lead us to where we are today. If we’re smart, bad experiences will teach us not to exercise that behavior again. On the flip side depending on what your inner inclinations might be, those same situations could lead to a path of negative outcomes.It’s what’s in us that comes out of us but God is in the business of reshaping. It brings to mind the craft of a potter. They skillfully take a lump of clay and mold it into various shapes and sizes. I’m told that you don’t have to have a specific set of skills to become a potter but if you want to become a master potter you need to have creative and artistic skills, the ability and the imagination to create something out of nothing. God is the Master Potter who takes ordinary people and shapes them into the unimaginable. But there is something most important about a potter. They don’t only work on the outside, they also work on the inside.Thanks to our God who is the Master Potter!


A Life of Meaning


He's Always There