A Life of Meaning

“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless!Everything is meaningless.” What do people gain from all their laborsat which they toil under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:2-3)?”Life can be full; great job, wonderful spouse, and happy children. Everything seemingly is going well but occasionally there are bouts of emptiness. It is an opportunity to evaluate whether the things that once brought you joy are bringing the fulfillment you once felt. You should be happy but something is missing.A loss of fulfillment is an opportunity to ask some very direct and crucial questions. “Why aren’t I happy?” “I have everything I need so why does everything feel so meaningless?”Emptiness gives feeling of hopelessness that can lead to distress. These times are an opportunity to search your heart to understand what you’re really longing for. Maybe just maybe your emptiness, your longing was never for success, things, or status. Maybe just maybe it is a longing for connection, a connection that is centered on and in love.Without God life can be meaningless. Times of emptiness will come but when they do, sincerely seek God and ask Him to come into your life and fill you with His overwhelming love. When you allow Him in totally and completely you will begin to know a love that is ever expanding and not just for you but for those you encounter. His is a love that you can’t (and won’t) be able to keep to yourself.


Eternal Life


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