Eternal Life

“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever (1 John 2:17).”No one likes to think about it, death, but it will happen to all of us. It’s scary especially if you’re not secure in knowing where you’re going. It’s not uncommon for people to be afraid of death and it’s equally not uncommon for Christians to express fear in the finality of life. Does it mean you lack faith, that you don’t trust God? Not at all. Sometimes it’s simply our humanness trying to grasp, to comprehend, to understand and embrace the hereafter.We were created to live forever but that life was interrupted by our sin nature our inability to exercise obedience to God’s instructions. You can point fingers, blame Adam and Eve but the bottom line is when sin entered the world we died. It was love that brought us back in alignment with God offering reconciliation with our Creator, with our Lord, with our God.This message is not a somber one but one of confident faith in the One who knows and understands what it means to live and more importantly what it means to live forever. It is our hope and confident expectation of a day of eternal communion with God.


A Season of Fasting


A Life of Meaning