Light of the World

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Sunday marked the fifth day of the Advent candle representing Jesus, the Light of the world. As we recognize Jesus as light, we acknowledge that He is the sustainer of life. As a major source of energy without light, plants would cease to grow, thus eliminating nutrients needed to make food necessary for growth and many other functions of the body. And not only does our physical body need light but so does our spiritual and mental body.

With all the busyness and celebration of the holidays depression can occur As Christmas has come and gone don’t forget Jesus is alive and well. He is the One who brings light and in Him there is no darkness. So, whether your holiday met your expectations or not, when you look to Jesus, Christmas never has to end. He is our hope, our light, and our promise today and for tomorrow. #Jesus #jesusisthelight #nodarknessinChrist #seethelight #seethesonrise


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