Growing in Sanctification


“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen (2 Peter 3:18).”

This year I plan to plant flowers which is something I haven’t done in quite some time, in fact, it was so infrequent that some would conclude that I've never done so. But there’s something about planting seeds and watching them grow that teaches us about struggle and gives us an appreciation for everything that God created.

In an effort to grow, plants have to survive shifts and changes in weather conditions and more . Of course this activity gave me pause to look at how spiritual growth takes place. Peter tells us to “grow in grace”. When I was a new Christian I wasn’t sure what that meant but when considering planting you start with something, a small seed placed in the ground, watered, nurtured, and exposed to the sunlight which encourages growth. It is the same for growing in grace.

Someone or something or some situation compelled your heart to seek God and it was that seeking and ultimately finding that a seed was planted. However, that seed wasn’t going to take root unless it was exposed to the right environment and nurtured according to its design. The reading of His word, meditating on His word, spending time in prayer, attending worship are all ways to grow in grace.

Growing in grace is not increasing grace but it is growing in the awareness and the knowledge of God as you develop an intimate relationship with Him. It’s called sanctification, setting you apart for His will, to make holy.


God’s Words Can Transform The Mind


God Hears Us