Encouragers Needed


“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).”

Encouragers, we all need them. Whether it’s a parent reassuring a child, a co-worker providing guidance, on the sideline cheering for your favorite runner or your favorite team, a health care worker telling you to keep pushing that you’ll get there; they help get you through difficult times while at the same time acknowledging the difficulty and the trial of the task you’re undertaking. But not only do we need encouragers but the encourager needs encouragement too. Moses had Aaron, Paul had Barnabas (whose name literally means “son of encouragement”), Pricilla and Aquila encouraged Apollos. Encouragers provide support, they comfort, they listen, and they genuinely care about others and it’s what the Lord calls believers to be.

Instead of focusing on those who hurt you the most think of the ones who push you to be your best!


He Fulfills Promises


Scripture is a Healing Word