Embrace the Charge

“Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the LORD that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel (Zechariah 4:10)?”

Zerubbabel was a leader of the tribe of Judah and part of the first group of captives returning to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile and commissioned with rebuilding the temple. This was no small feat because it was going to take years before it was completed. In fact it took him two years to just rebuild the foundation but because of setbacks and withdrawn support it would be approximately 20 years before it would be finished.

The temple that Zerubbabel was rebuilding was not as grand as that of King Solomon but it wasn’t about making something grand but doing what he had been commissioned to do and he did it with what resources and support he had. One might think it would cause Zerubbabel to get frustrated and quit because it was taking so long however through it we can see that little things can make a difference. Yes, it took a long time to finish but he finished and that is what we must do, finish.

Whatever God has charged you with, whatever goal you’ve set and you know God has purposed you to complete it don't get discouraged. The Lord will help you and send you who and what you need to complete it. Zerubbabel completed the temple and it was in the courts of that temple that Jesus Himself walked many years later.

No matter what you start with or how you start, no matter how small, rejoice knowing that the eyes of the Lord are upon the things He has given you to do and He will help you get it done.


God’s Will vs. Your Will


Renew Your Mind