Comfort for God's People

“Comfort, comfort my people,says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,and proclaim to herthat her hard service has been completed,that her sin has been paid for,that she has received from the Lord’s handdouble for all her sins.”Isaiah 40:1-2They were taken into captivity for seventy years. It was a prophesy Isaiah conveyed to a community of people whom God had a special relationship. It was the consequence of sin, their own choices that led to this decision. Nevertheless, God would deliver them from their oppression and allow them to return to their homeland.It’s tough to believe that God can be so harsh or that He punishes disobedience but He is also loving and gracious and gives those who repent a way back to Him. God hasn’t changed nor does He change. He is consistent in His blessings as well as His wrath but most of all He is gives grace and mercy to those who truly repent and return to Him.We are never far from God’s love and forgiveness. Yes, He is the righteous judge but He is also our loving Savior who desires to bring comfort to those in need.


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