Believe in God

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It is a subject less talked about but a relevant and necessary topic facing many today.  There may be someone in your circle of influence right now that is just looking for someone to listen and to understand what they’re going through but the shame and embarrassment that accompanies this subject leaves the sufferer bewildered and alone. I’m talking about anxiety but in a most extreme form, panic and specifically panic attacks.

Admitting that you’re experiencing psychological unrest is uncomfortable but just like we are physical beings we are also psychological and spiritual beings. Your mind needs as much care as your body. Christians will often throw scripture at you as if it is an immediate cure and it can but it takes more than knowing scripture. You have to know Christ. Faith in Christ says I believe He is able to free me from this fear but faith alone won’t work if you do not know with certainty the One whom you put your faith in.

In Matthew chapter 17, a man brought his son who was suffering from seizures to Jesus’ disciples asking them to heal him. They couldn’t do it so he went directly to Jesus and it was Jesus who rebuked the demon, healing his son at that very moment. But don’t miss the most important part of this story.  When the disciples asked Jesus why they couldn’t drive it out, Jesus answered, “Because you have so little faith (Mathew 17:20a)”.

It takes more than saying you believe in God.  

To hear more, join me this Saturday, November 7, 2020 from 10:30am – 12pm for Caught in the Undertow: God’s Rescue for Panic.  This is a free webinar.  Just click on or go to the following link to register:


Fear Not


Trusting God in the Unknown