A Good Teacher

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“And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying… (Matthew 5:1-2).”

Teachers are often undervalued, unappreciated and many would most definitely agree, underpaid.  Without teachers there would be “no students, no knowledge, no common sense, no future growth, no government etc. etc. etc.”, you get the message.  Good teachers provide information that helps us become good citizens and contributors to society and good teachers have a singular message, to help their students succeed.  

Jesus is the Great Teacher but not of His own teaching but of the teachings of His Father the One who sent Him “I do nothing on my own authority, but speak just as the Father taught me (John 7:16)”.  His demonstrated power, humility, and life is what caused people to follow Him, to seek Him, and to be like Him. What made Him effective transcends differences, opinions, partisanship, and otherwise.  His effectiveness was built on one thing and one thing alone and that was love and as Jesus’ disciples the ultimate goal is to reproduce disciples, those who exercise His teachings.  

Just like Mary (Luke 10:39) sat at the feet of Jesus, seek to do the same, to learn from Him, to be like Him, and more than anything, to share His unbiased love for everyone.  It is a lesson everyone should learn!








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