Blessed Are the Peacemakers

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“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

We certainly could use more of them these days, persons who bring peace especially amongst those who are adversaries. We often want our own way, to win no matter what the cost. But followers of Christ must examine their motives against the will of God. How do they line up or are you shutting out what God says so that you don’t have to wrestle with the thought that maybe, just maybe, your perspective or views don’t align with God’s will?

To be a peacemaker one must seek to be delivered from self-interests and we must ask ourselves, does our position and action(s) glorify God? There is but one judge and that is Christ alone and it is in our response to His will that demonstrates who one’s allegiance is to. It may not be popular but it is right.  

In the peace that Jesus brings there is no disorder or confusion and it is in the absence of these two that reveals who you are connected too. The DNA link of Christ and a believer are the ways one lives His life and that is a life that models the characteristics of Christ.


Blessed - Noble


A Good Teacher