A Heart for God

“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.” Psalm 119:9-10

If you’ve ever played hide and seek you understand that the premise of the game is to close your eyes and count to a specific number and then go out to find the persons who are hiding. Life is a bit like hide and seek. You want to do the right thing but trying to find it in a world where sin is prevalent doesn’t make it easy. Doing what is right isn’t hidden from those who truly desire to live for Christ. The word, God’s word is the navigator pointing the way for those who desire to live for Him. A heart for God is a heart that takes heed of His word and plants it in their heart. #pureinheart #pure #righteousness #promiseofGod #loveGod #God #seekgod #LiveforChrist #ObeyGod #Godsword #TrustGod #seethesonrise


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