Pray for Our Children’s Safety

Summer seems to have come and gone all to quickly and our children will soon be going back to school. With this in mind, I’d like to spend this week writing specifically on behalf of our children. I want to pray for their safety. I’d like to pray for their teachers, for those who serve in administration, for the cleaning staff, for the cafeteria workers and anyone and everyone who serve in a specific area providing care and guidance to our children. Whether you are a mom, dad, grandparent, guardian, foster parent, aunt, or uncle, etc., we care that our children are safe and secure especially when evil is always lurking around. So, I hope you will join with me in prayer as I present specific prayer focuses on their behalf.

From the words of the Apostle Paul to the church at Ephesus; “For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name,” Ephesians 3:14

Dear Lord, I ask that you watch over our children, that you would provide safety and keep them free from harm. I pray that they would find peace in the place of learning, freedom from fear of harm. Give them minds that are eager to gain wisdom that they may grow in wisdom and knowledge. You oh Lord are our refuge and our strength, and it is in humility and confidence that we bow down to you. Amen #God #safety #pray #humility #peace #children #GUIDANCEANDPROTECTION #guidance #seekingpeace #TrustGod #seethesonrise


Strong Courage Prayer


A Heart for God