Vitality of Prayer

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Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life. It is a time to commune with God, to hear from Him, to seek Him, to gain wisdom from Him. It’s not about the manner in which you pray (e.g. standing, sitting, lying down) it is about the attitude of your heart. When you pray it leads and shapes you in the way of holiness. It also helps you to hear from God and to know what to pray for. Prayer is not about getting what you want but aligning with God’s will.

A number of years ago during bible study there was a discussion where one member had been taught that they could ask God for whatever they wanted and He would give it to them. They even quoted the scripture that supported their logic. Think how disappointed they would be when what they prayed for did not come to fruition. Unfortunately they had misinterpreted John 15:7; “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” The key to getting your prayers answered is that you are abiding in the will of God!

Pray, but pray as God leads you, as the Holy Spirit guides you. You may find that your prayer won’t be focused on what you want but on God’s desire.


Stop and Reflect


Fasting and Reflecting