

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) If you’re feeling overwhelmed today so are so many others. The year began with the possibility to forget the past and what may not have achieved and a good time to move forward with a fresh perspective, a chance for new opportunities. Just the term “2020” suggests clarity of vision but I believe we can all comfortably say, “we didn’t see it coming,” we have been blindsided by the events of the day. If anything, this year has reminded us that we are not in charge and only God knows what lies ahead. He is the only One who knows the end from the beginning.We can’t blame the failings of the year on what was and is not known but on not seeking God in a vision for the future. But it’s not too late, every day is another chance to make positive change and it starts with seeking and waiting on God.It’s easy to equate the notion that waiting on the Lord infers to do nothing. But waiting on God means to seek God in prayer, to trust God in faith, to aim to hear from God in quiet meditation, and to hope in what you are seeking God, and to act (move) on what He is telling you to do.Our will can never make things happen but God’s will will accomplish His purpose.


The Test


Give Me a Clean Heart