Unveiled Faith

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Veils are cover ups. They don’t really show what’s behind it but for Christ followers the veil has been removed allowing us into a deeper relationship with Him. That’s the kind of relationship Moses had with God. The time he spent with God enlightened him so much so that those around him could not look upon him. He had been with God and sinful flesh couldn’t look at his face.

God offers us the kind of relationship that He had with Moses. A relationship with Christ, a relationship not limited to one or two people or to just preachers and teachers but to everyone, everyone by faith who seeks and turns to Christ. That is when the veil is removed, that we are enlightened, giving us access to see Him and His transformative power. Through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, we are not only being reshaped, but we are given spiritual eyes, to see what is unseen, becoming more like Christ every day. May the light of Christ shine in you today! #unveiled #Christ #SeeJesus #enlightened #thelightofChrist #relationship #God #transformed #shaped #faithinGod #faithful #powerful #access #Unlimited #PowerOfGod #Holyspirit #spiritualeyes #seethesonrise




Pray for the Shepherds