
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things”. Philippians 4:8

As summer begins to fade and fall is subtly approaching, we start to shift our thinking focusing on what’s ahead. From the start of school, football, to Halloween and more, we tend to be creatures of habit. Each event encourages a transition. Some are comforting and others provoke periods of stress. The Apostle Paul has an anecdote for such, and it begins and ends with your thinking. No matter what is going on, no matter when the seasons change there is a place where peace resides, and that peace is found meditating on the word of God. Instead of focusing on the upheavals in life consider what is pure (untainted) , lovely (things that inspire love), admirable (deserving of respect), or praiseworthy (loyal, worthy). It is an attitude adjustment that is pleasing to the Lord. Living our lives in this way is living our lives faithfully exhibiting trust in the Lord. #TheLordGod #Jesus #God #peace #meditate #Godsword #pleasingtoGod #trustintheLord #praise #worship #Lovely #WorthyIsTheLamb #PleasingGod #LoveGod #focusonChrist #seethesonrise


Mind Full or Mindful


Unveiled Faith