Trust God


Trust God

“When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.” (Luke 5:19)

Today we are living in a world filled with disruptions. Plans have to be altered, due to restrictions and government mandates and what were once a norm are not necessarily business as usual. We, at least those of us who live in America have been accustomed to doing things at will but unfortunately that is no longer the case. This does not have to be cause for doom and gloom or alarm. In fact, people are developing new ways of accomplishing their objectives, setting new goals, and reflecting on things that are really important. In fact, in the great scheme of things, many are finding that the things they were chasing after didn’t and doesn’t promote life at least not the kind of life giving that Jesus brings.

It was during a time when Jesus was ministering that a man who was paralyzed was being brought to Jesus. Those who carried him heard that Jesus had the power to heal the sick.  Normally one would walk in a door when coming inside a home but unfortunately the crowd was great, and the normal way of entry could not be accomplished. Instead of giving up or complaining, they found another way to get their friend inside to receive his healing.

Life does not have to be overly complicated. It is tough when we have to make changes and change is hard but even when we have to do things differently, we can trust God that we can get it done. After all, nothing and no one will ever be able to alter the plans of God concerning you.


Never Give up Hope


The Right Attitude