The Celebration of Promise

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21Sunday marks the fourth Sunday of Advent, the representation of the coming or arrival of Christ. It is clear that Jesus has already come but we celebrate His coming, His birth, every year. This celebration isn’t just about Christ’s birth but the purpose of His birth. With so many people searching for meaning and their purpose in life, Jesus’ purpose was clear. He was born to pay our sin debt. Such a thought does not provoke celebration especially based on the way He died but it is in the outcome, the deliverance that we experience that brings life to us. Jesus’ birth is something to be cherished, Someone to hold onto when life gets tough.Christmas day will come and go but Christ’s love is always there for you if you would only receive it. This Christmas seek to grow in a deeper relationship with Christ. Hold dear the promise we have in Him and esteem Him as one of great value and of great worth. That is the very heart of Christmas.


Fulfilling A Promise


A Never Ending Christmas