Fervent Prayers

If ever we needed prayer, we certainly need it today!

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

Shame, ridicule, sin, fear, guilt are just a few of the things that keep people from praying but they are not the only things. Having a sense of unworthiness, or feeling that He won’t listen to you, as well as distractions, bitterness, anger are hindrances to prayer.

You cannot do anything bad enough that God would not hear you. God is holy and yes, there should be a sense of reverence acknowledging that we mustn’t be callous as we come to Him. God knows we are sinful and that is why He sent His Son who brought reconciliation and opens the door for us to enter that place, the holy place, to encounter Him. When you pray to God you are exercising faith, settled in mind understanding who He is and the relationship He wants to have with you.

It is in our encounters with God that our lives are changed and being shaped into His image, people born of God, seeking to do His will.

#pray #Jesus #Godhears #GodAnswers #JesusLovesSinners #Mercy #grace #Godloveseveryone #faithinGod #seekHiswill #seethesonrise


Cries of the Faithful


Imperfect and Equipped