Purposeful Prayers

“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” (Luke 18:1)

We are not mere physical beings. God has placed in us a part of Himself and that part desires communion with Him. It is through prayer that we can connect with the Divine, our Father, our Creator. When Jesus taught the disciples to pray, He wanted them to be in constant communion with God. That does not mean you need to be bowed down or in a particular setting. But to live in a persistent, purposeful, and tireless state of devotion recognizing the ever-present God who desires to live in relationship with us. It is in prayer that we do not lose hope. #pray #Jesus #Christ #dontgiveup #communionwithGod #prayers

#HeHearsYou #prayandnotfaint #seethesonrise


Imperfect and Equipped


Prayer Connections