Pray for Favor According to His Will

Pray for Favor According to His Will.png

“Then the man bowed down and worshiped the LORD, saying, “Praise be to the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who has not abandoned his kindness and faithfulness to my master. As for me, the Lord has led me on the journey to the house of my master’s relatives (Genesis 24:26-27).”

Have you ever asked God to send you a spouse? It’s not uncommon. I have encountered many people who have a long list of things they want in a marriage partner. However, I must say, many will compromise if all of their longings aren’t met. As I’ve spoken to some of them I ask, “Did you pray about it” and I was surprised to find out most had but I also found out, they did not always listen to that still small voice inside that said, “not that one”.  All that aside, seeking God for a life partner is a worthwhile initiative.

Abraham the patriarch had been blessed by God in all things. One of those blessings was a child in his old age to a wife who was past barren. He named this child Isaac and Isaac now has become of age and Abraham desires to find a wife for his son. He did not want Isaac to have a Canaanite wife, so he sent out his servant to the land of Abraham’s ancestors in Ur of the Chaldees, his country, his family. There was some hesitancy from the servant but Abraham assured him that it was God giving him direction. You can imagine the pressure the servant may have had to please his master and it was in his prayer that he sought success; “O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day.”  

God answered the servant’s prayer before he had finished speaking and that is what God can do for faithful followers. God can answer you in the midst of your prayer but make sure you have a heart and the inclination to hear what He says.  

Don’t miss God because of your lists, seek God according to His will.


Seek Him through Prayer


God, Show Us the Way