Pray Confidently

“For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.” Psalm 22:24

You cried for help, and it feels like God has turned His face from you while you continue to suffer. David cried out to God when he was suffering. In his prayer, he had not yet been delivered from his suffering but confidently prayed because he believed in time, God would heal him of his affliction. David’s prayer is one of assurance that even though God had not yet answered him, he knew he would. It is prayer that sustained him through this time of suffering, and it is prayer that can do the same thing for you. #Godhears #Godknows #Godseesyou #Godsface #CrytoGod #God #Godisgood #Godislove #waiting #Godlistens #pray #trust #GodAnswersPrayers #CallouttoGod #seethesonrise


The LORD is Good


Building Patience