Possible Dreams

“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” (Joel 2:28)

To have a dream is to believe that your aspirations or ideas seemingly out of reach can come true. But it takes more than dreaming to bring them into reality. It requires having a firm belief and clear vision of that dream, not given over to fear. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was a dreamer but not only a dreamer, He was visionary, believing that what wasn't could be. His dream was not set in lofty idealism but in the truth of God’s word.

What Dr. King demonstrated and sought to teach us in his words and action is that all things are possible (see Mark 9:23) to those who believe! #BelieveInChrist #GodsWord #Dreamintheimpossible #faithinaction #faith #faithinGod #visionary #dreams #dreambigdreams #Godsword #seethesonrise


Rooted in Faith


Cry Out, God Hears All