No Distinction

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

In today’s world we often want to draw lines. Lines between right and wrong, sanity and insanity, what we can control and what we cannot, believers vs. non-believers, as well as denominational views, political views, socio-economic class, black and white and more. Clearly, disunity is not new; lines were drawn during biblical times as well. Those lines made distinctions between men and women, Jew and gentile, slave and free but Christ makes no distinctions when it comes to who we are in Him. In Christ there is no division, we all are called to operate as one, unified in body with Christ. And until we begin to operate as the unified body of Christ, there will always be division and disunity. It begins with loving one another without distinction, being in a sincere relationship with others, and most of all and most importantly, unity in the Spirit which is being in a relationship with Christ!
#nodistinctions #unityinChrist #unityoffaith #seethesonrise


Unity Through Peace


Rooted in Faith