Never Stop Praying
“I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the LORD (1 Samuel 1:15b).”Her name was Hannah. She was one of two wives to a man by the name of Elkanah. Hannah had no children but desperately wanted them. So much so that she would go to the tabernacle praying and weeping asking God to fulfill her desire. A priest by the name of Eli saw her praying and assuming she was drunk asked how long she was going “to stay drunk”. As she clarified that her behavior was not that of someone who was inebriated but someone that was so committed to prayer, so confident in God’s ability that she was willing to pray in whatever manner necessary until God answered her prayers and He did.When we pray we are communing with God. It is a time to honor Him, to demonstrate our love for Him, to recognize how small we are, but also how great He is. Prayer is also a time to lay your petitions, your requests at His feet recognizing that He hears you and will answer you.Today people are praying, praying for healing, praying for deliverance, praying for guidance, praying like Hannah, without ceasing. And it your persistence, your refusal to quit that you may find favor with God.So “never stop praying, and most of all “never stop believing”.