Motivation in Prayer

“You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions (James 4:3).” In light of all of the ups and downs over the last few months, prayer is the one thing that you can depend on. Prayer can steady the dis-ease of not knowing what the next day brings and when done with pure motives you can expect that God will hear you. However motive is a significant factor in getting your prayers answered. Whether you have good intentions or not, God searches your heart and He knows if what you’re asking for is for hidden desires or for His will.As children of faith, you can confidently approach the throne of grace with your requests because God loves you and He is able to help you with whatever you’re going through. However Christian action (and that includes our prayers) should be done with one motive in mind and that is your love and faith in Jesus Christ.


The Holy Spirit Our Influencer


Action That Pleases God