Maintain Hope and Persevere

“And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us (Romans 5:5).”

Have you ever gone through tough times yet still trusted in God’s word? If so, it is a sign of a steadfast believer who doesn’t quit when trouble comes. Everyone will have trials but not everyone will get through them. Those who aren’t in Christ may succumb to the heaviness they feel closing themselves off from the deliverance and healing the Lord provides. These are the times to turn to God and not away from Him. There will be times of trial that call for perseverance and it is in persevering that God shapes you into the character and person He wants and has ordained you to be. So never ever lose hope, God knows what He’s doing, He's shaping you into His image. True sincere love will not harm you and God's love is pure love.

#Jesusislove #Jesus #lovewins #loveneverfails #neverlosehope #seethesonrise


Patiently Wait on the Lord


Hope in Our Savior