He is Enough

“Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” (Exodus 4:12)

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you couldn’t speak, you became so anxiety ridden that the words won’t form and you begin to sweat profusely, frozen in inaction? Then you understand Moses’ predicament. God wanted Him to go and speak to Pharoah as His spokesperson to release His chosen people. Moses needed encouragement because he knew he was incapable in his own strength to accomplish such a tremendous task. God didn’t remove the call on Moses’ life, instead He assured him that He would help him and teach him no matter his inabilities. God was enough and He is enough for us too. No matter what deficiency you have or skill you may lack, remember that He is enough. #GodOfTheImpossible

#icandoallthngsthroughchrist #HeIsAble #Nothingisimpossible #Godisenough #SeekGod #seethesonrise


Know You Are HIS Handiwork


Remember to Thank HIM