Godly Love

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“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).”

It is the fourth week of Advent and the focus for the week is love.  We certainly could use a bit of love right now especially with the year we’ve experienced thus far.  Love has a way of softening the blows of life that seize our heart producing helplessness and hopelessness.

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).”

It is the fourth week of Advent and the focus for the week is love.  We certainly could use a bit of love right now especially with the year we’ve experienced thus far.  Love has a way of softening the blows of life that seize our heart producing helplessness and hopelessness.

Love, true love, godly love is love that never fails.  That truly is the essence of Christmas. God loved us so much He made sure to put a plan in place so that we would have hope and a promise of eternal life.  It is a promise yet to come and one that brings assurance of better times ahead.

As much as God has shown love to us we too are asked to demonstrate that same love to one another.  Loving God is showing compassion for others and doing for those less fortunate than us.  It is true love, godly love that makes a difference.






  God loved us so much He made sure to put a plan in place so that we would have hope and a promise of eternal life.  It is a promise yet to come and one that brings assurance of better times ahead.

As much as God has shown love to us we too are asked to demonstrate that same love to one another.  Loving God is showing compassion for others and doing for those less fortunate than us.  It is true love, godly love that makes a difference.








We Will Make It


Do You Love Me?